Extra–Curricular Activities

Educational Tours/Exposure Trips

Our school periodically organizes educational tours and excursions to places of historical, scientific, and national significance. These outings are designed to enrich the students’ learning experience, exposing them to diverse intellectual pursuits and cultural environments, thereby broadening their perspectives and understanding of the world around them.


Games & sports

The school has ample space and provisions for all kinds of sport and games. Sporting activities and games are held throughout the year. Activities and competitions are organized throughout the year, culminating in the Annual Sports Meet. This event is a highlight of our calendar, promoting participation in a variety of sports and encouraging students to strive for excellence in both individual and team events.


Annual Science Exhibition

The Annual Science Exhibition is a cornerstone event that encourages students to engage in independent scientific inquiry and practical experimentation. It serves as a vibrant platform for showcasing their scientific prowess, fostering skills development, and sparking interest in the realms of science and technology. Through this exhibition, students are invited to explore and present their research, promoting a deeper engagement with scientific studies and innovation.